October Sky Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 1999 | LENGTH: 1 part (103 minutes) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA description: October Sky is a 1999 American biographical…
Apollo 13 Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 1995 | LENGTH: 1 part (140 minutes) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA description: The film depicts astronauts Lovell, Jack…
Einstein and Eddington Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2008 | LENGTH: 1 part (90 minutes) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA description: The prelude is set on…
The Challenger Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2013 | LENGTH: 1 part (90 minutes) | SOURCE: BBC description: When the space shuttle Challenger…
Hawking Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2004 | LENGTH: 1 part (90 minutes) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA description: The start of the film…
Something the Lord Made Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2004 | LENGTH: 1 part (110 minutes) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA description: Something the Lord Made tells the…
Creation Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2009 | LENGTH: 1 part (108 minutes) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA description: British naturalist Charles Darwin is a young…
Breaking the Mould: The Story of Penicillin Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2009 | LENGTH: 1 part (80 minutes) | SOURCE: BBC description: History books tell us that…