Telemarketers is an American true crime documentary series directed and produced by Adam Bhala Lough and Sam Lipman-Stern. It follows two office workers who stumble upon the truth of their work at a telemarketing center and are determined to expose the industry.
Take Care of Maya
When nine-year-old Maya Kowalski was admitted to Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in 2016, nothing could have prepared her or her family for what they were about to go through. As the medical team tried to understand her rare illness, they began to question the basic truths that bound the Kowalskis together.
An investigation of threats against journalists in the United States and internationally, from intimidation to physical violence.
Beyond Utopia
The story of several families as they attempt to escape oppression in North Korea, revealing a world most of us have never seen.
The Alpinist
Marc-André Leclerc climbs alone, far from the limelight. The free-spirited 23-year-old makes some of the boldest solo ascents in history. With no cameras and no margin for error, Leclerc’s approach is the essence of solo adventure.
Diving into the Unknown
Four Finnish cave divers face their worst nightmare when two of their friends drown deep inside an underwater cave in Norway.
20 Days in Mariupol
An AP team of Ukrainian journalists trapped in the besieged city of Mariupol struggle to continue their work documenting atrocities of the Russian invasion.
Genesis 2.0
On the remote New Siberian Islands in the Arctic Ocean, hunters are searching for the tusks of extinct mammoths. There is a gold rush fever in the air.
Scouting for Girls: Fashion’s Darkest Secret
Three-part docuseries Scouting for Girls: Fashion’s Darkest Secret reveals how a group of men behind the world’s most successful modelling agencies were involved in a darker side of the industry.
Tablets for Depression
Although antidepressants are prescribed with increasing frequency, their efficacy is the subject of debate. It’s known that placebos can be just as effective in cases of mild-to-moderate depression. Nevertheless, in Germany you’re now eight times more likely to be prescribed the medication than in the 1990s.
Inside Russia: Traitors and Heroes
Despite the huge risks, two Russian film-makers have been filming the impact of the invasion of Ukraine in their country.
Carbon Colonialism
In the race to curb catastrophic climate change, prominent Australian businesses have been enthusiastic customers of carbon credits.