Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2011 | LENGTH: 6 parts (30 minutes each) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA description: Planet Dinosaur is a…

Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2011 | LENGTH: 6 parts (30 minutes each) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA description: Planet Dinosaur is a…
Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2001 | LENGTH: 8 parts (30 minutes each) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA description: The Blue Planet is a BBC nature…
Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2010 | LENGTH: 6 parts (60 minutes each) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA description: South Pacific (Wild Pacific in…
Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2007 | LENGTH: 1 part (50 minutes) | SOURCE: BBC description: Madagascar is home to one…
Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2002 | LENGTH: 1 part (30 minutes) | SOURCE: IMDB description: Land of Giants: A ‘Walking…
Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2003 | LENGTH: 3 parts (30 minutes each) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA description: Sea Monsters is a 2003…
Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2004 | LENGTH: 1 part (50 minutes) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA description: The Amber Time Machine is…
Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2005 | LENGTH: 5 parts (30 minutes each) | SOURCE: BBC description: Series following the high…
Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2010 | LENGTH: 1 part (60 minutes) | SOURCE: BBC description: Across the world scientists are…
Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2002 | LENGTH: 1 part (50 minutes) | SOURCE: BBC description: The world’s oceans claim on…