Counterfeit Culture is a one-hour documentary that explores the dangerous and sometimes deadly world of fake, fraudulent, and faux products. The imitation industry has a long history of peddled knock-off designer handbags, watches, and shoes but during the last 25 years, it has mushroomed into a global phenomenon.
The range of counterfeit goods now being produced includes pharmaceuticals, food, toys, electronic goods, car parts, and microchips. The traffic in counterfeit goods is now estimated at a staggering $700 billion representing nearly 10% of all global trade. This illicit and highly profitable criminal enterprise continues to grow unabated and has been linked to organized crime syndicates around the world.
Shot on location in Canada, the USA, Asia, and Europe, Counterfeit Culture challenges consumers to take a deeper look at what would appear to be harmless knock-offs at bargain prices. This thought-provoking film provides an insight into what is now a world-wide menace that has been called the crime of the 21st century.