Cambridge Analytica uncovered. “I was instrumental. I was at the heart of it.” Chris Wylie, former Cambridge Analytica director of research
On Monday night Four Corners brings you the undercover investigation that has left social media giant Facebook reeling through the unmasking of the secretive political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica and the dirty tricks they deployed.
“We set our emails with a self destruct timer…There’s no evidence, there’s no paper trail, there’s nothing. Don’t make a note of that!” Secret recording
Four months in the making, this ITN investigation for Channel 4 in Britain used hidden cameras to reveal the tactics used by the UK firm Cambridge Anayltica to influence elections and undermine the democratic process in several countries.
“We were able to identify that there were very large quantities of persuadable voters there that could be influenced to work for the Trump campaign.” Secret recording
Key players in the company, captured on film, repeatedly met with an undercover reporter posing as a potential client. The company promised absolute confidentiality and an assurance of success by combining the dark arts of political strategy with big data.